Resources on colonial conservation

Latest campaign resources
- The Big Green Lie
- The Big Green Lie: an infographic explainer
- Joint NGO statement: concern over the proposed 30% target
- EU Conference on 2030 Biodiversity Strategy
- Our land, our nature alternative congress
- Our land, our nature livestream Part 1 and Part 2
- Our land, our nature press conference livestream
Statements from tribal and local people
- Tribal Voice – A collection of videos about conservation
- Letters from the Baka and Bayaka people of Congo Basin
- An Open Letter from the Chenchu tribe of Amrabad Tiger Reserve
- An Appeal from the Chenchu tribe of Amrabad Tiger Reserve
- Charles’ Letter to Princes William and Harry on Conservation
- A Letter from the Jenu Kuruba Tribe of Nagarhole National Park
- Joint Statement from Survival and Congolese CSOs on Colonial Conservation
Survival reports
- “How Will We Survive?” – The destruction of Congo Basin Tribes in the name of conservation
- Parks Need Peoples – Why evictions of tribal communities from protected areas spell disaster for both people and nature
- WWF and the Loggers: A brief history of greenwashing in the Congo basin
- Statement on Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
- Illegal Evictions from India’s Tiger Reserves
Survival’s work in the Media
- Modi’s Escalating War Against India’s Forests and Tribal People | Jonathan Mazower | Counterpunch
- A Colonialist Land Grab Is Happening Right Now in Congo | Fiore Longo | Common Dreams
- When WWF’s conservation looks like colonialism, it’s time for a new approach | Sophie Grig | The Independent
- The Baka people don’t want to be sacrificed for conservation | Gabriella Rutherford | Intercontinental Cry
- Humans aren’t the virus
- Armed ecoguards funded by WWF ‘beat up Congo tribespeople’
- The New ‘Con’ in Conservation: Why the Proposed Voluntary, Paris Agreement-Style, ‘30×30’ Target for Protected Areas Won’t Save the World’s Biodiversity
- The Violence Of 'Conservation'
- The Maasai Are Under Attack in the Name of Conservation: 'This Is Our Land, and We Won't Leave'
Buzzfeed investigative reporting on WWF’s involvement in human rights abuses
- WWF Funds Guards Who Have Tortured And Killed People
- A Leaked Report Shows WWF Was Warned Years Ago Of “Frightening” Abuses
- WWF Says Indigenous People Want This Park. An Internal Report Says Some Fear Forest Ranger “Repression.”
- WWF-Backed Guards Raped Pregnant Women And Tortured Villagers At A Wildlife Park Funded By The US Government
- United States Government Spent Millions Funding WWF Guard Abuse
- WWF Executives Were Warned of Widespread Atrocities
TV investigations
Survival articles
- WWF is complicit in human rights abuses and illegal land theft
- Of Tigers and Men — the shocking truth about tiger conservation
- “Here we don’t need money to eat and to live. This forest is our breath and our life.” – a photo essay on life with the Chenchu in Amrabad Tiger Reserve
- “Conservation” – twenty-one things you may not know
- Tribal conservationists in the Congo Basin
- Tribal conservationists in India’s tiger reserves
- I’m a vegan and an animal-lover – but I no longer support conservation
- Black Lives Don’t Matter to Big Conservation
- The Latest Big Conservation Lie
- Why is Racism Normalized in Conservation
- Diversity Rules Environment, OK?
- Humans Aren’t The Virus
Survival’s former director Stephen Corry on conservation
- Too Many Africans?
- The Best Conservationists Made our Environment and Can Save it
- An Inconvenient Truth: Pristine Wildernesses and Other Myths Peddled by the BBC
- Colonial Conservation Contains the Seeds of its Own Destruction
- What’s the Real Story Behind Botswana Elephant Deaths?
- The World Wildlife Fund, Hunters and Donald Trump Jr.
- Western Conservationists Should Think Very Hard About Their Support for Shoot on Sight
- Killing Conservation – the lethal cult of the empty wild
- National Parks Against People, America’s Best Idea?
- The Two Faces of Conservation
- When Conservationists Militarize, Who’s the Real Poacher?
- Iconoclasm and Stopping the Parks Con
- Parks Need Peoples
- Why the New Deal for Nature is a Disaster for People and Planet
- It’s Time to Clean Ecofascism Out of Environmentalism
- Who Protects Protected Areas and Why?
- The Big Green Lie
Survival Factsheets
- Conservation refugees
- Community mapping
- Deforestation
- Guardians
- Hunting
- Poaching
- Protected Areas
- Shifting cultivation/Slash and burn
What are other experts saying?
- Mac Chapin: A Challenge to Conservationists
- Rosaleen Duffy: Forget the War for Biodiversity, It’s Just War
- Wilfried Huismann: PandaLeaks
- Larry Lohmann: Ethnic Discrimination in Conservation
- Tristan McConnell: The ivory-funded terrorism myth
- Mordecai Ogada: The Big Conservation Lie
- WWF, human rights abuses and the need to decolonise conservation
- Simon Counsell: Fortress conservation is heading for a crisis that can’t come soon enough
Latest news
December 9, 2024
September 20, 2024
June 7, 2024
December 14, 2023
November 29, 2023