Andaman tribal women widowed by poisoning remarry
Four women from the tiny Andaman tribe the Onge, who were widowed last month in a tragic poisoning incident, have remarried.
Four women from the tiny Andaman tribe the Onge, who were widowed last month in a tragic poisoning incident, have remarried.
Andaman government fails to stop degrading and exploitative tribal tourism despite opening of 'alternative sea route'
Exploitative tribal tourism damaging lives of recently contacted tribe could end, after Survival-led boycott
Authorities on India's Andaman Islands have failed to end 'human safaris' to the vulnerable Jarawa.
Plans for widening and building bridges along the Andaman Trunk Road have been condemned by Survival
Regressive pledges include bringing the Jarawa tribe into the mainstream; and removing a protective buffer zone around their reserve.
The Andaman authorities have pledged to introduce an alternative sea route by March 2015
Since breaking the story two weeks ago, Denis Giles has been interrogated and threatened with being sued for libel.