Papua cholera deaths spark fears of major epidemic
Two hundred and ninety one Papuan tribal people have died from cholera since April this year in West Papua, Indonesia, according to local church officials, sparking fears of a major epidemic.
Two hundred and ninety one Papuan tribal people have died from cholera since April this year in West Papua, Indonesia, according to local church officials, sparking fears of a major epidemic.
Bruce Parry, star of the BBC series ‘Tribe’ and ‘Amazon’, has teamed up with some of the music world’s brightest stars to create a fundraising album for Survival International, entitled "Amazon/Tribe - Songs for Survival".
One year after the UN General Assembly approved the Declaration on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Britain and four of its former colonies have not shaken off their reputation as leading opponents of tribal peoples’ rights.
Leaders of Barro community in the Indigenous territory of Raposa-Serra do Sol in Brazil have denounced destruction of their property by farmer Paulo César Quartieiro on 3 September.
The Norwegian government has sold its shares in British company Rio Tinto, whose Grasberg mine in West Papua, Indonesia, has devastated the land of the Amungme and Kamoro tribes.
Brazilian Indians have denounced plans by their country’s state oil company to explore for oil in the territory of uncontacted tribes in Peru.
Fears are growing for Bushmen in Botswana, as a giant bush fire that has been streaking across the Kalahari for over a week shows no sign of dying out.
After decades of campaigning, the Pima or Akimel O’odham Indians of Arizona have won back the water that was the life-blood of their society.