Minister makes promise on refugee uncontacted tribes
Peru's Minister of Environment has spoken publicly about some of the world's last uncontacted Indians, fleeing for their lives from Peru to Brazil.
Peru's Minister of Environment has spoken publicly about some of the world's last uncontacted Indians, fleeing for their lives from Peru to Brazil.
Penan communities in Sarawak, Malaysia, have mounted a road blockade against the logging company Interhill in an attempt to stop the destruction of their last remaining rainforests.
The Malaysian government has said it will investigate allegations by members of the Penan tribe of Sarawak that logging company workers are routinely sexually abusing Penan women, including schoolgirls.
One hundred days after Peru’s government promised to report on the impact of illegal logging on uncontacted Indians in the remote Amazon, no report has been made public.
One hundred days after Peru’s government promised to report on the impact of illegal logging on uncontacted Indians in the remote Amazon, no report has been made public.
There is more trouble for British company Rio Tinto in Indonesia – West Papuan independence fighters have attacked its Grasberg mine, which is devastating the land of the Amungme and Kamoro tribal people.
Arrows just discovered by government officials in one of the remotest corners of the Brazilian Amazon prove that uncontacted Indians are fleeing from Peru into Brazil.
The Guarani Indians of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul suffered a setback last week when FUNAI, the government's Indian affairs department, suddenly suspended studies being carried out to identify their territories.