BBC launches second series of hit TV show Tribe
July 14, 2006
This page was created in 2006 and may contain language which is now outdated.
Presenter Bruce Parry urges viewers to support tribal peoples through Survival International
Bruce Parry, presenter of BBC 2's hit television show Tribe', has urged viewers of the programme to support tribal peoples by getting involved with Survival. The second series of Tribe' starts this Sunday, 16 July, at 9pm.
Parry said today, We have so much to learn from tribal peoples and yet they themselves are frequently facing extreme difficulties or extinction. I hope that our series may have touched you in some way and I recommend your contacting Survival International to find out more about the global plight of Indigenous peoples and how you may help.'
The first three episodes will see presenter Bruce Parry visit the Nyangatom, Hamar and Dassanech peoples of the Omo valley in Ethiopia. The Nyangatom are neighbours – and rivals – of the Suri with whom Parry spent time in the first series.
In the first series, broadcast last year, Parry also visited the Adi in northeastern India, the Kombai in Papua, the Babongo in Gabon, the Darhad in Mongolia and the Sanema in Venezuela.
Survival's director Stephen Corry said today, Tribal peoples are every bit as fascinating as the 'Tribe' series suggests. But they also urgently need help to resist the forces stacked against them – land grabbing, resource theft, introduced disease, all underpinned by racism on the part of the authorities and companies who are guilty of destroying them. Survival helps them make their voices heard. I urge anyone who is intrigued by 'Tribe' to find out more about tribal peoples and how to stop them disappearing.'
For further information contact Miriam Ross on (+44) (0)20 7687 8734 or email [email protected]