Paraguay grants license to bulldoze UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
Paraguay has caused outrage by quietly granting cattle ranchers a license to bulldoze the last refuge of uncontacted Ayoreo Indians.
Paraguay has caused outrage by quietly granting cattle ranchers a license to bulldoze the last refuge of uncontacted Ayoreo Indians.
Guarani Indians in Brazil have urged Coca-Cola to stop buying sugar from US food giant Bunge.
Leading British artist Kurt Jackson is donating the monies from the sale of two works of art to Survival International.
US-based Annenberg Foundation will return twenty-one of the Hopi's sacred katsinam.
Ambrósio was a Brazilian Indian leader and film star who fought and died for his people’s rights
Nixiwaka Yawanawá from the Brazilian Amazon is raising awareness in London of the threats to Amazon Indians.
Bullying tactics drive Penan to abandon protest against Murum dam. Rising waters and threats to dismantle bridges force move.
Six men arrested eight months after alleged revenge attack in the Ecuadorian Amazon.