Professor Good loses Botswana deportation appeal
July 29, 2005
This page was created in 2005 and may contain language which is now outdated.
Australian Professor Kenneth Good, who was deported from Botswana last month as a 'threat to national security,' over his criticism of Botswana's democracy and his correspondence with Survival, lost his appeal in the Botswana courts on July 27.
Professor Good, who has taught political science at the University of Botswana for fifteen years, was deported from the country on 31 May, and is now in London. He had written and spoken against the evictions of Bushmen from their ancestral homes in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve
In a recent statement Good said, 'My deportation is another sign that the government of Botswana is heading in an increasingly autocratic direction. It is a defeat for democracy and free speech.'
Botswana's President Mogae said on BBC TV's Newsnight programme on Monday, '[Professor Good] is a rogue and a vagabond, he's not a gentleman… I am determined to keep him out of this country.'
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