Bushman leader delivers letter to Tony Blair
May 25, 2007
This page was created in 2007 and may contain language which is now outdated.
Bushman leader Roy Sesana went to Downing Street yesterday to deliver a letter from his people to Prime Minister Tony Blair. On Wednesday he addressed MPs and peers at Westminster to ask for their support.
The Bushmen’s letter to Tony Blair says, ‘The Botswana government evicted us forcefully from our ancestral lands and stopped us hunting and gathering there. We are here in London to give you this letter because we are angry and sad that the British government supported the Botswana government in this.’
On Wednesday Sesana addressed some of the 29 MPs and Lords of the newly formed All Party Parliamentary Group on Tribal Peoples. He told them that the Botswana government was preventing the Bushmen from returning to their land, despite the Botswana High Court ruling that the evictions were illegal.
Roy Sesana said today, ‘I am praying to my ancestors to help the British government and British MPs put pressure on the Botswana government, so that all of my people can go home.’
Download the Bushmen’s letter to Tony Blair
For further information contact Miriam Ross on (+44) (0)20 7687 8734 or email [email protected]