Government tries to expel critic
March 30, 2005
This page was created in 2005 and may contain language which is now outdated.
An outspoken critic of the Botswana government, who has previously attacked its treatment of the Bushmen, has been threatened with deportation. Professor Kenneth Good, an Australian academic who has worked at Botswana University for 15 years, was given 48 hours to leave the country. However, his lawyers won a reprieve in the courts, and Prof Good's future will now be decided in a court hearing expected in a few weeks. One of his legal team, Duma Boko, received a death threat, apparently from Botswana's intelligence services. Dr Boko also acts for the Bushmen in their court case against the government. Prof Good's deportation order came shortly before he was due to present a paper criticizing the lack of democracy in Botswana.