"Fake conservationists are torturing us in the name of conservation and Project Tiger"

"Fake conservationists are torturing us in the name of conservation and Project Tiger"

Shivu, a young leader from the Jenu Kuruba tribe, condemns the celebration of Project Tiger’s 50t...

“He doesn’t intimidate us”

“He doesn’t intimidate us”

The Indigenous people of Brazil are fighters. Guarani leader Jaqueline Guarani Kaiowá has a messa...

"Our land is crying out for help"

"Our land is crying out for help"

The Indigenous Guardians of the Amazon are risking their lives to fight against illegal loggers a...

"We were forcibly evicted from our land"

"We were forcibly evicted from our land"

India’s Supreme Court has just ordered the forced eviction of up to 8 million tribal people and o...

"We must defend the rights of uncontacted tribes"

"We must defend the rights of uncontacted tribes"

Ninawa Huni Kui from the western Brazilian Amazon calls for Indigenous lands to be protected, and...

"Is the air the President breathes different to the air we breathe?"

"Is the air the President breathes different to the air we breathe?"

Reginaldo Apyawa and his relatives have sent you this message from a ritual gathering in the cent...

"Our area is being deforested by an oil palm plantation"

"Our area is being deforested by an oil palm plantation"

The forest that the Berawan, Tering and Penan communities rely on for their survival is being des...

Xavante Cisappe (low res.english)

Xavante Cisappe (low res.english)

"What the conservationists are doing is so bad"

"What the conservationists are doing is so bad"

WWF is supporting the creation of a new protected area in Congo, Messok Dja. The Baka haven’t giv...

"Our spirits are in our tekohá – ancestral land"

"Our spirits are in our tekohá – ancestral land"

Guarani prayer leader Getúlio explains his people's deep connection with their ancestral land in ...

“They are learning lots in a different way”

“They are learning lots in a different way”

For millions of children, the pandemic meant staying away from school for several months. Recorde...

"The main problem we, Indigenous Peoples, see is that nature is being traded"

"The main problem we, Indigenous Peoples, see is that nature is being traded"

"The main problem we, Indigenous Peoples, see is that nature is being traded" -- Learn more: ht...