The Shompen people are one of the most isolated peoples on Earth - but the Indian government is planning to build a mega-port and huge city on their island, Great Nicobar.

It’ll mean the total destruction of the Shompen people: the Indian government has said so itself, and last year 39 international genocide scholars called out the project for the potential genocidal consequences if it goes ahead.

The government thinks it can do some serious damage control by putting up “geo-fences” and “watch towers” in an attempt to protect the Shompen.

But it’s not good enough if the rainforest which the Shompen rely on to survive is going to be cut down, and if the government brings 650,000 more people to settle on the island.

The only way to stop the destruction of the Shompen people and their rainforest is to stop the mega-port and city being built in the first place.

Take action and help stop the plans: