What are your thoughts on leaving a gift in your will to Survival?* I have already included a gift in my will I intend to leave a gift in my will I am considering leaving a gift in my will I am requesting information only Can we help in any way? I’d like a legacy leaflet in the post I’d like to ask the Legacy Team a question (please specify below) Title First name* Last name* Email* We’d love to keep you updated about our work by email, including campaign developments, articles, films and breaking news, together with requests for your action when it’s needed most. Please subscribe me to Survival emails* Yes No Address* City* Postcode* Country* The information you provide will be held by Survival International Charitable Trust. You can change how you hear from us at any time, by calling our Supporter Services Team on 020 7687 8700 or emailing us at [email protected]. For more information about how Survival processes personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. Submit