Worldwide protests against Amazon mega-dam

August 22, 2011

© Sue Cunningham/Survival

Brazilians protest against Belo Monte dam in the Amazonian city of Belém, August 2011.

This page was created in 2011 and may contain language which is now outdated.

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in dozens of cities worldwide, to protest against the Belo Monte mega-dam being built in the Brazilian Amazon.

Groups across Brazil called on Brazil’s President Rousseff to halt the construction of the destructive dam on the Xingu river. Their message was echoed by demonstrators in Australia, Canada, Iran, Mexico, Turkey, the United States, and at least nine other countries.

Survival supporters delivered letters to the Brazilian embassies in Berlin, London, Paris and Madrid expressing their concerns for the Indigenous peoples living in the area.

Protesters rallied behind Amazon Indians against the Belo Monte dam.

The international actions follow widespread outrage as the construction of the dam has begun despite numerous human rights and environmental violations, and massive opposition from the local population.

The dam will devastate vast areas of land, upon which numerous tribal people, including highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians, depend for their survival.

The Kayapó Indians of the region have warned that if the dam is built, the Xingu could become a ‘river of blood’.

Indigenous spokeswoman Sheyla Juruna has recently remarked that the Indigenous people ‘are not against development… but there are other ways of generating energy… We consider the river our home… If the government continues to insist on Belo Monte, there will be war’.

Earlier this year, Survival supporters joined Amazonian Indians
in their protest outside the London office of Brazil’s state development bank BNDES, which is providing much of the funding for the Belo Monte project.

Survival’s Director, Stephen Corry, said today, ‘It’s gratifying to see so much international support for the Indians of the Xingu river – if only their own government would show similar care. The Brazilian state development bank should not finance projects that ride roughshod over the Indians’ right to the ownership of their land and resources’. 

Pictures of the protests are available for download here:

Thousands of people protested against the Belo Monte dam in cities worldwide over the last few days. The controversial dam project currently under construction on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon threatens the lives of thousands of people, with tribal peoples being the most severely affected as their survival depends entirely upon the rivers and forests.

Thousands of people protested against the Belo Monte dam in cities worldwide over the last few days. The controversial dam project currently under construction on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon threatens the lives of thousands of people, with tribal peoples being the most severely affected as their survival depends entirely upon the rivers and forests.

© Karen Hoffmann
Protesters gathered in the city of Altamira on August 19, 2011, calling for the halt of the controversial mega-dam project of Belo Monte underway in the Brazilian Amazon.

Dozens of people demonstrated against the Belo Monte dam, outside the Brazilian Embassy in London today. The controversial dam project currently under construction on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon threatens the lives of thousands of people, with tribal peoples being the most severely affected as their survival depends entirely upon the rivers and forests.

© Sue Cunningham/Survival
Brazilians protest against Belo Monte dam in the Amazonian city of Belém, August 2011.

© Karen Hoffmann
Belo Monte protesters gathered on August 19, 2011 in Altamira, Brazil. The controversial mega-dam project currently underway on the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon poses a serious threat to the lives of thousands of people, who depend upon the rivers and forests for survival.

© Thomas Léaud/Survival
Survival supporters handed in a letter to the Brazilian ambassador in Paris.

Brazilian Indigenous People
