Contact us

Before you get in touch

have you tried our FAQs below? There may already be an answer to your question (which could save you time and Survival money)

International headquarters

Survival International

6 Charterhouse Buildings

London, EC1M 7ET

United Kingdom

T+44 (0)207 687 8700

[email protected]

International headquarters


Survival International USA

PO Box 26345

San Francisco, CA 94126


T (+1) 510 858 3950

[email protected]


Survival International France

18 rue Ernest et Henri Rousselle

75013 Paris


T +33 (0)1 4241 4762

[email protected]


Survival International Deutschland

Haus der Demokratie und


Greifswalder Str. 4

10405 Berlin


T +49 (0)30 72 29 31 08

[email protected]


Survival International Italia

Casella Postale 322

20123 Milano


T +39 02 890 0671

[email protected]


Survival International Netherlands

De Wittenkade 68

1051 AC


the Netherlands

[email protected]


Survival International España

c/ Cabeza, 3, bajo

28012 – Madrid


T +34 91 521 7283

[email protected]


Survival International Brasil

T +55 62 99425 3317

[email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

Why don't you campaign for more tribes/a specific tribe?

Survival handles about four dozen specific cases a year. Each is related to a particular tribal people or geographical area and each encompasses many violations of the people's rights. It goes without saying that these cases, which are formally ‘adopted’ by Survival, are but the tip of an immense iceberg. It could be fair to say that virtually every tribal people, everywhere in the world, is facing some violation of their rights. As our resources are limited we must select our cases carefully. As with all human rights work, we are forced into a position where we cannot handle all the cases we would like to. We use several different criteria for deciding which cases to adopt and we are continually reviewing our ‘case list’. We tend to favor cases where tribal people have little or no direct access to the international media, governments, corporations and UN bodies themselves. We also focus on tribal peoples who have the most to lose, usually those most recently in contact with the outside world or those who remain uncontacted. Our case list is constantly under review and we welcome information on such situations in case we are able to take them up in the future. Additionally, we are in a position to pass such information on to journalists who approach us, even if we're not working on the specific case ourselves.

Can Survival speak at my school or event?

We currently do not have a speaker network however we occasionally have guest speakers who are able to visit in return for a donation to Survival and travel expenses.

Can I leave a legacy to Survival?

Yes, a legacy to Survival in your will is a wonderful and lasting memorial to your concern for tribal peoples. Find out more or contact us for a copy of our legacy brochure.

I would like to open a Survival office in my country. What do I do?

Due to limited financial and human resources we have to be selective in our decisions as to where to open new offices. We will only open a new office if it is in line with the strategic priorities of the organization. You can help Survival in many ways - by volunteering your time or services to an existing Survival office, or by getting involved with our online campaigns. You'd be surprised how much help we can use, even when an office isn't nearby.

I'm a student writing a report about tribes. Can you help me with my research?

We get many requests for help and would like to assist but in order to ensure our limited resources are directed to the people who need them the most - tribal peoples - we are unable to help with individual research questions. We have a wealth of information on our website which you are welcome to use in your research.

Can I do field research to help Survival?

Survival bases its research on direct contact with the peoples with whom we work. In practical terms, this means that our own staff carry out extensive research in the field; we also have a large informal network of contacts, both tribal and non-tribal, permanently on the ground, with whom we are in constant contact. Therefore, we do not fund research projects, or sponsor any visitors other than our own staff. However, we are always willing to hear from people with information about or high-quality photographs of, tribal peoples, or those with relevant interests and experience who are keen to work for Survival.

Can Survival fund my project/organization?

We are regularly asked to fund worthwhile initiatives all over the world. As a campaigning organization that relies almost entirely on supporter donations to finance our work, we are unfortunately unable to help with any funding requests.

I want to visit a tribal community. Can Survival facilitate or provide advice?

We cannot stop you from visiting tribal peoples who have been in routine contact with outsiders for some time, but we recommend that you read our article on the dangers of adventure travel and ensure that the tribal peoples are in agreement, have proper control over where you go and what you do, and get a fair share of the profit (if applicable). No one should go to tribes which aren’t in regular contact with outsiders. It’s dangerous for everyone.

Does Survival commission photographers?

Our image library comprises photographs taken by our own staff and outside photographers. We do not commission or pay for images. Photographs are one of the best ways to keep tribal peoples' issues in the media, so If you are able to contribute any do get in touch.

Why doesn't Survival use online petitions like Avaaz as part of its campaigning strategy?

There are problems with some of the independent online petition organizations, which is why Survival International neither uses nor recommends them.